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Monday 28 October 2013

Prone/Supine Workout | October 2013 Week 5

This weeks workout features 3 prone and 3 supine exercise, all movement based to target upper and lower abs plus lower back and stabilisation.

Get this workout done 2 to 3 times in a week to feel the benefits.


  1. Kneeling Superman | 2 x 55 seconds / 30 seconds rest
  2. Plank UP/DOWNS | 2 x 55 seconds / 30 seconds rest
  3. Dorsal Raise | 2 x 12-15 repetitions
  4. Box Crunch | 2 x 55 seconds / 30 seconds rest
  5. Supine Hip Press | 2 x 18
  6. Laying Bicycle Pedal | 2 x 55 seconds / 30 seconds rest

1. Kneeling Superman

2. Plank UP/DOWNS

3. Dorsal Raise

4. Box Crunch

5. Supine Hip Press

6. Laying Bicycle Pedal

Tips: Rest for longer if required, remember that you should feel fatigue but not pain. Stop immediately if you feel pain. keep good technique and perform exercise slowly and under control.

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