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Wednesday 13 November 2013

Lower AB Blast | November 2013 Week 2

This week, our core workout focuses on the lower abs, all the exercises included within this workout stimulate and activate the lower abdominals. Working all areas of the abdominals and not just doing crunches is the best way to establish great core stability and get the aesthetic results and strength gains you want.

Keeping things simple, no equipment is needed other than a mat, you can perform this workout almost anywhere. Ensure you mobilise and warm up gently before starting the workout and likewise finish with some abdominal stretching.


  1. Reverse Curl with Hip Lift | 3 x 15
  2. Laying Bicycle Pedal with Arms | 3 x 50 seconds
  3. V-Sit | 3 x 15
  4. Supine Leg Raise | 3 x 15

1. Reverse Curl with Hip Lift

2. Laying Bicycle Pedal with Arms

3. V-Sit

4. Supine Leg Raise

If you feel pain at any point, stop! You may feel fatigue especially on the leg raise, take take with the leg raise and ensure you back is support. Place a towels under the small of your back if required.

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