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Wednesday 27 November 2013

Upper/Lower/Static Workout | November 2013 Week 4

This weeks workout will engage upper & lower parts of your abdominals while stimulating the whole of your core and stabilizing muscles with a static isometric exercise. We'll work for up to 1 minute on each exercise, aim for 1 minute however if you feel undue pain or discomfort stop and progressively workout towards one minute in future workouts. 

Equipment Required


Rest for 25 seconds between each exercise

  1. Bent Knee Crunch | 1 minute x 2
  2. Laying Bicycle | 1 minute x 2
  3. Plank | 1 minute x 2
  4. Arm up Crunch | 1 minute x 2
  5. Scissor Kicks | 1 minute x 2
  6. Side Plank | 1 minute x 2
1. Bent Knee Crunch

2. Laying Bicycle

3. Plank

4. Arm up Crunch

5. Scissor Kicks

6. Side Plank

This short workout should take about 20 minutes, give it a try and feel the benefits of working upper and lower sections of the rectus abdominus plus executing isometric exercise for stabilisation. 
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