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Wednesday 27 November 2013

Upper/Lower/Static Workout | November 2013 Week 4

This weeks workout will engage upper & lower parts of your abdominals while stimulating the whole of your core and stabilizing muscles with a static isometric exercise. We'll work for up to 1 minute on each exercise, aim for 1 minute however if you feel undue pain or discomfort stop and progressively workout towards one minute in future workouts. 

Equipment Required


Rest for 25 seconds between each exercise

  1. Bent Knee Crunch | 1 minute x 2
  2. Laying Bicycle | 1 minute x 2
  3. Plank | 1 minute x 2
  4. Arm up Crunch | 1 minute x 2
  5. Scissor Kicks | 1 minute x 2
  6. Side Plank | 1 minute x 2
1. Bent Knee Crunch

2. Laying Bicycle

3. Plank

4. Arm up Crunch

5. Scissor Kicks

6. Side Plank

This short workout should take about 20 minutes, give it a try and feel the benefits of working upper and lower sections of the rectus abdominus plus executing isometric exercise for stabilisation. 
Get more from your workouts when you get your own Online Personal Trainer with Kiss Fitness.

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Crunch Progression Circuit | November 2013 Week 3

This week we have a quick crunch progression workout circuit, the great thing about this circuits is that you can perform it as many times as you need to for your own goals and intensity level. Each round starts off easy progressing to a more challenging crunch exercise.

Perform this circuit own it's own for a quick core blast or add it in at the end of another workout.

Equipment Required:


  1. Crunch (Hands on Thighs) x 18
  2. Crunch (Hands Cross Chest) x 18
  3. Crunch (Hands by Head) x 18
  4. Crunch (Hands Overhead) x 18
  5. Box Crunch x 18
Repeat Circuit 2 or 3 times

1. Crunch (Hands on Thigh)

2. Crunch (Hands Cross Chest)

3. Crunch (Hands by Head)

4. Crunch (Hands Overhead)

5. Box Crunch

Stupidly simple, massively effective, remember to keep changing your workout regularly for maximum results. 

Want the help of a real personal trainer to design custom workouts and monitor progress towards you own goals, try Online Personal Training with Kiss Fitness, Visit our site for more information and get started today.

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Lower AB Blast | November 2013 Week 2

This week, our core workout focuses on the lower abs, all the exercises included within this workout stimulate and activate the lower abdominals. Working all areas of the abdominals and not just doing crunches is the best way to establish great core stability and get the aesthetic results and strength gains you want.

Keeping things simple, no equipment is needed other than a mat, you can perform this workout almost anywhere. Ensure you mobilise and warm up gently before starting the workout and likewise finish with some abdominal stretching.


  1. Reverse Curl with Hip Lift | 3 x 15
  2. Laying Bicycle Pedal with Arms | 3 x 50 seconds
  3. V-Sit | 3 x 15
  4. Supine Leg Raise | 3 x 15

1. Reverse Curl with Hip Lift

2. Laying Bicycle Pedal with Arms

3. V-Sit

4. Supine Leg Raise

If you feel pain at any point, stop! You may feel fatigue especially on the leg raise, take take with the leg raise and ensure you back is support. Place a towels under the small of your back if required.

Monday 28 October 2013

Prone/Supine Workout | October 2013 Week 5

This weeks workout features 3 prone and 3 supine exercise, all movement based to target upper and lower abs plus lower back and stabilisation.

Get this workout done 2 to 3 times in a week to feel the benefits.


  1. Kneeling Superman | 2 x 55 seconds / 30 seconds rest
  2. Plank UP/DOWNS | 2 x 55 seconds / 30 seconds rest
  3. Dorsal Raise | 2 x 12-15 repetitions
  4. Box Crunch | 2 x 55 seconds / 30 seconds rest
  5. Supine Hip Press | 2 x 18
  6. Laying Bicycle Pedal | 2 x 55 seconds / 30 seconds rest

1. Kneeling Superman

2. Plank UP/DOWNS

3. Dorsal Raise

4. Box Crunch

5. Supine Hip Press

6. Laying Bicycle Pedal

Tips: Rest for longer if required, remember that you should feel fatigue but not pain. Stop immediately if you feel pain. keep good technique and perform exercise slowly and under control.
